Aggressively Advocating For Clients Since 1981

Published Works

‘Cohelan on California Class Actions’

a consumer and employment rights reference book by Timothy D. Cohelan

A comprehensive, step-by-step approach to initial case analysis, review of potential problem areas, sample forms, and other summaries of requirements for class action practice. Includes effective tactics and strategies. Covers substantive and procedural law, extensive case and statutory references, and far-reaching coverage of this rapidly changing area of the law. Contains California cases, statutes, and local rules. Also includes more than 200 pages of forms from the author’s case files, as well as defense forms. Explores “pitfall cases,” attorney’s fees, what does or doesn’t work in California courts, as well as how to make and oppose nearly every motion.

Available for purchase from Thomson West

‘California Wage and Hour Law and Litigation’

an employee rights Overview of California Wage and Hour Law by Michael D. Singer, and chapters by several co-authors

Winner of the 2011 ACLEA Award for Professional Excellence in the Best Publication Category

This is an award-winning guide for counseling clients about compliance with complex wage and hour rules or as a primer for litigating a wage and hour case whether you represent the employer or the employee.

Available for purchase from

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