Aggressively Advocating For Clients Since 1981

San Diego Attorneys Protecting Whistleblowers Across California

Our lawyers at Cohelan Khoury & Singer support clients in fighting for justice. We can help protect employees who report violations of various workplace safety, consumer products, financial reform and food safety laws, to name a few. There are federal and California whistleblower protection laws that cover violations of environmental and nuclear safety laws, transportation industry laws, and consumer and investor protection laws. Our attorneys assist employees who want to do the right thing by “blowing the whistle” on corporate misconduct.

Whistleblower protection laws protect employees who have decided to reveal fraud in the workplace, such as unsafe goods being allowed into the market or issues of workplace safety. Our team will assist in bringing the right information to the government and protect the employee from retaliation or discrimination as a result of the whistleblowing. Our employee rights attorneys are also knowledgeable in claims under the False Claims Act, including improper billing to government agencies.

An Overview Of California’s Whistleblower Law

California law prohibits employers from retaliating against employees who reasonably believed they were reporting violations of state or federal laws to a government or law enforcement agency as well as protecting employees reporting suspected illegal behavior internally in the company or externally to any “public body conducting an investigation.”

This law was expanded to protect employees reporting suspected illegal activity to “a person with authority over the employee” or to another employee with authority to investigate, discover or correct the reported violation externally to any public body conducting an investigation, hearing, or inquiry in January 1, 2014. The law expands the protection to reasonably believed violations of local (in addition to California and federal) laws, rules or regulation

Hiring The Right Attorney Is Crucial

How whistleblower cases are brought to the attention of the government is critical. Our lawyers are able to provide information regarding how and when whistleblowers are protected and the particular limits of whistleblower laws. These laws are also detailed, so it is important to have the assistance of an attorney who is well versed in the whistleblower protection laws. When cases are managed the right way, in compliance with federal and state whistleblower laws, the whistleblower could be eligible for compensation.

Contact Our Whistleblower Protection Law Firm Today

If you are ready to blow the whistle on fraud and workplace violations, you need the help of experienced lawyers. At Cohelan Khoury & Singer, we understand whistleblower laws and can assist you in exposing corporate fraud against the government or reporting violations of workplace safety. To take advantage of a free initial consultation, call our office in San Diego at 888-652-2201 or submit an online contact form.