Antitrust And Unfair Competition Lawyers Advocating For Clients Throughout California
Most Americans place a high value on free-market capitalism. While fair competition is ultimately good for us as consumers, there are many unethical and illegal tactics individual businesses use to give themselves an unfair advantage. Ultimately, this is bad for consumers and other businesses alike. At Cohelan Khoury & Singer, our antitrust and unfair competition lawyers have an in-depth knowledge of the current unfair competition laws. If you or your business have been harmed by violations of these laws, our attorneys are ready to fight to protect your interests.
Examples Of Prohibited Anti-Competitive Practices
Unfair business practices that are anticompetitive are defined under legislation like the Sherman Antitrust Act, which was passed in 1890 to restrict the growth of trusts and monopolies, and the California Cartwright Act, which prohibits anticompetitive activities. More specifically, the Cartwright Act bans the following actions:
- Price fixing: Businesses cannot agree with competitors to set prices for goods or services. This includes setting minimum or maximum prices.
- Bid rigging: Businesses must not collude with others to influence the outcome of a bidding process. This includes agreeing on who will win a bid and at what price.
- Market allocation: Dividing markets or customers between competitors is prohibited. Businesses cannot agree to avoid competing in each other’s designated areas or with certain customers.
- Output restrictions: Businesses cannot agree with competitors to limit the production of goods or services. This could artificially inflate prices and reduce competition.
- Group boycotts: Businesses must not collaborate with others to refuse to deal with a particular person or company. This can unfairly restrict business opportunities for the targeted party.
- Exclusive dealing: Entering into agreements that force a buyer or seller to do business exclusively with one business, thereby excluding competitors, is not allowed.
- Tying arrangements: Businesses cannot force a customer to buy an unwanted product or service as a condition of purchasing a desired one. This limits customer choice and competition.
- Monopolistic practices: Engaging in behaviors that aim to create or maintain a monopoly is prohibited. This includes actions intended to eliminate competition.
Competitive, free markets are the foundation underpinning the U.S. economy. Unfair competition laws ensure that businesses don’t have to overcome underhanded actions that are harmful to competition in order to succeed in the market. Antitrust law is a way of safeguarding the spirit of competition among businesses and corporations. Both types of laws protect consumers and competitors by prohibiting unreasonable restraint of trade and acts that are harmful to competition. Our skilled consumer protection lawyers are prepared to aggressively defend your rights as a consumer or business owner, both in and out of court.
Learn More During A Free And Confidential Consultation
From our San Diego office, our lawyers at Cohelan Khoury & Singer serve clients in Orange County, Los Angeles, Sacramento, the Bay Area and throughout California. To take advantage of a free initial consultation about your legal matter, call us at 888-652-2201 or submit an online contact form.