Employment Law Attorneys Fighting For Individual Workers Across California
If you’ve been mistreated on the job, it is easy to feel alone and powerless. You may feel you need to tolerate harassment or discrimination to avoid getting fired or you may be quietly trying to find another job. The reassuring news is that you are not alone, and you are not powerless. The right attorney can help you fight back. At Cohelan Khoury & Singer, we are committed to supporting clients in fighting for justice. Our team has more than 200 years of combined legal experience, and our firm has been dedicated to workers’ rights since 1981. If you have been affected by a wrongful termination, whistleblower retaliation or any other employment law dispute, contact us today.
Combatting Workplace Harassment
Have you been sexually harassed by a coworker or manager? Are you being subjected to unwelcome jokes or insults related to your race, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation or any other protected characteristic? Our attorneys have an in-depth knowledge of California employment law, and they can help you hold your employer accountable for failure to stop harassment.
Recognizing And Fighting Work Discrimination
California and federal laws prohibit discrimination based on a range of characteristics, including most of those mentioned above. Employers cannot use these characteristics to discriminate in any decisions related to hiring, firing, promotion or benefits. They also cannot treat workers differently based on their membership in a protected class.
Seeking Justice For Wrongful Termination
When a person is wrongfully terminated, our lawyers can give essential support. A wrongful discharge lawyer is experienced with wrongful termination laws, which apply to matters where an employee has been terminated illegally. This typically means they were terminated based on a protected characteristic because they engaged in protected activity or in violation of a contract.
Whistleblower Protection Lawyers
We can help protect employees who report violations of various workplace safety, consumer product, financial and food safety laws, to name a few. Whistleblower protection laws serve to protect employees who have decided to reveal fraud in the workplace like unsafe goods being allowed into the market or issues of workplace safety. They perform a valuable public service at personal risk to their livelihoods.
Learn More In A Free, Confidential Consultation
From our office in San Diego, Cohelan Khoury & Singer serves clients in Orange County, Los Angeles, Sacramento, the Bay Area and throughout California. If your employer has treated you unfairly and you believe you have been subjected to wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment or any other illegal actions, we are here to help. Please contact us today for a free consultation and case evaluation. Just call 888-652-2201 or submit an online contact form.